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Posted by: namvet382 Date Posted: March 10th, 2011, 10:16pm
From my understanding when I was 3/82 FA ,2/68 till 2/68 that D was named after the CO because he was killed. I saw them come up the hill carrying a cross made of tree limbs with a scull on top n other things hanging off. They looked like Hells Angles. Also understood that they got over run 1 night without setting up a primeter 3 times. 1st n 2nd was killing them n 3rd was collecting weapons n anything else they could carry. I may be wrong about them getting overrun
Posted by: JimStone Date Posted: March 9th, 2011, 10:23pm
I believe they were called Black Death because Belcher was a black man. It had nothing to do with this battle as they were black death befor that action. It was Belcher's call sign. Alpha was The Annialator and I can't remember B and C Co call signs. The Col. would have nightly talks on the radios with the company commanders at a certain time and they would each chime in with their call signs in order and then discuss happenings for the day. I believe this was discontinued after a short time because they finally figured out Charlie might be listening in Duh. I remember the Col saying Alpa got so many gooks that day in the Annialiator way, meaning we captured so many and Black Death would get kills, he wanted body count so we had to step it up a little and quit taking so many prisoners.   Stoney
Posted by: Jim Gray Date Posted: February 6th, 2011, 7:58pm
no i stayed in Nam. I was assigned to HHC as the Brigade casualty  reporter. I was at Baldy and prepared the reports twice daily for the meetings in BTOC. The reports were mimeographed and then presented by Capt Cary in brigade HHC. i moved up to Camp Carroll and then back to Baldy when the Brigade moved.

i will have to read Col Humphries book.
Posted by: Gregory B Peters Date Posted: February 6th, 2011, 6:15pm
Hi James,

Col. Humphries in his book "Through the Valley..." discusses the naming Black Death.

BTW, when you say removed from the field because of your brother being there,
were you sent stateside?  My Daddy was a lifer and was in and out of Nam as an "advisor" from the fifties on.  He returned while I was still there.  We  were summoned to headquarters in Saigon and I was told I got to go home because both of us were combat :-)  BUT then they told me that after Dad left I had to come back and finish my tour :-(  I think that was the first time a ...
Posted by: Jim Gray Date Posted: February 6th, 2011, 4:27pm
for those that do not know. D 3/21 is nicknamed Black Death. We lost our CO Capt. Belcher in this battle, and my understanding is that is why it was nicknamed Black Death. I still have my original patch made in Nam depicting Black Death.
I was fortunate in that when certain people heard that i had a brother in Nam [ Air Force in Cam Rahn Bay] i was removed from the field 2 weeks before this occurred.
Posted by: Jim Gray Date Posted: February 6th, 2011, 4:15pm
Gregory i think that this was when we moved up to LZ Carroll to support the 101st  since it states May of 68 and not 69
Posted by: Gregory B Peters Date Posted: February 1st, 2011, 10:30pm
Hey Duke, are you thinking of this one?


it looks like someone used it as a wargame for gamers.

Thanks Jim for the clarification, seems like we have a "history" of commanders putting us in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Posted by: Eddie"Duke"Ellington Date Posted: January 31st, 2011, 4:15pm
Jim I thiught that was in May 69, just outside of Tan Ky?

Sorry, that was another engagement. Alpha and Delta were in the same one at Tam Ky in may of 69 also. Alpha was in a horseshoe ambush there also. I was wonded on May 13 there.

Posted by: Eddie"Duke"Ellington Date Posted: January 31st, 2011, 4:05pm
Jim I thiught that was in May 69, just outside of Tan Ky?
Posted by: JimStone Date Posted: January 31st, 2011, 2:11am
The battle was over by Nui Loc Son. It was around Jan 9, 68.  D Co 3/21 were chasing some dinks and ran into a horse shoe ambush. Really took some casualties including the CO. The battalion commander Steel Gimlet then sent A Co in to help but made them go in the same way D Co had went and A Co walked right into the same situation. There was two companies stuck then. The cong were so close we couldn't use air. If our artillary fired they would overshoot from the far distance or hit the ridge on the way. It was too far for the 81's to fire and the cong had captured radios and would fire on us befor we could fire our 60 mortars on a back azmuth. It was a mess. the colonel wouldn't commit any more troops as he was just trying to get the ones out that were stuck. He devised a plan to get the wounded out by flying a formation of choppers high up  and while the gooks were watching them he slipped in some medavacs low. Worked out pretty good. Finally the gooks pulled out and we left. ...
Posted by: Gregory B Peters Date Posted: January 30th, 2011, 4:42pm
hey guys, what battle and where?

Posted by: JimStone Date Posted: January 29th, 2011, 11:38pm
There were also some captured in this battle. Three I think. These guys were released with some of the first ones released. they had been held in a jungle prison camp in the south. The Marine Garwood was one of the guards. Abook was written about this and is called Survivors by Zalin Grant. A good read for some of the old 196ers as it describes some of the battle. I have the book. Got it on line from Amazon. I was on OP down by the river with three other guys and luckily we missed the battle.   Stoney
Posted by: Jack Krohn Date Posted: January 12th, 2011, 6:34pm

Quoted from carlfryman, posted January 12th, 2011, 3:59pm at here

1LT Robert Lewis was not in A 3/21.  He was with C 2/1 and was wounded on 5 January.  He passed away on 10 January from the wound he received on the 5th.  He was my platoon leader

good to know
we know this list has some errors and ommisions
it's from the Honor Roll list on the 196thLIB website
Posted by: carlfryman Date Posted: January 12th, 2011, 3:59pm

1LT Robert Lewis was not in A 3/21.  He was with C 2/1 and was wounded on 5 January.  He passed away on 10 January from the wound he received on the 5th.  He was my platoon leader
Posted by: carlfryman Date Posted: January 12th, 2011, 3:57pm

Quoted from Jack Krohn, posted January 11th, 2011, 5:16am at here
that was a bad battle for Alpha too

3/21 A    1/9/68      Bojorquez Sisto      PVT      ELOY AZ
3/21 A    1/9/68      Lambert Timothy      PFC      DENVER CO
3/21 A    1/9/68      Marcussen Glennon      SP4      MONTICELLO AR
3/21 A    1/9/68      Oliver Paul      PFC      ALAMEDA CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Pickett Morris      PFC      BOSTON GA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Prescott Dennis      SP4      SUNNYVALE CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Rehe Richard      SSGT      LONG BEACH CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Sykes Derri      SSGT      CHICAGO IL
3/21 A    1/9/68      Weleski Martin      SP4      CABOT PA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Williams Johnny      PFC      DURHAM NC
3/21 A    1/10/68      Abel Arnold      CPL      FRENCH LICK IN
3/21 A    1/10/68      Blea Robert      CPL      DENVER CO
3/21 A    1/10/68      Blocker Murrie      CPL      NEW ORLEANS LA
3/21 A    1/10/68      Campbell Gordo
Posted by: Bob Kotch Date Posted: January 11th, 2011, 10:12pm
I also did not realize that there were so many KIA in that battle. May God bless all of them and may we never forget them. They are true heros.
Posted by: Jim Gray Date Posted: January 11th, 2011, 10:54am
Jack i never realized so many were taken in that battle. I did a quick but not very accurate count and at least 70 were KIA in those 4 days.
May God bless them all.
Posted by: Jack Krohn Date Posted: January 11th, 2011, 5:16am
that was a bad battle for Alpha too

3/21 A    1/9/68      Bojorquez Sisto      PVT      ELOY AZ
3/21 A    1/9/68      Lambert Timothy      PFC      DENVER CO
3/21 A    1/9/68      Marcussen Glennon      SP4      MONTICELLO AR
3/21 A    1/9/68      Oliver Paul      PFC      ALAMEDA CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Pickett Morris      PFC      BOSTON GA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Prescott Dennis      SP4      SUNNYVALE CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Rehe Richard      SSGT      LONG BEACH CA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Sykes Derri      SSGT      CHICAGO IL
3/21 A    1/9/68      Weleski Martin      SP4      CABOT PA
3/21 A    1/9/68      Williams Johnny      PFC      DURHAM NC
3/21 A    1/10/68      Abel Arnold      CPL      FRENCH LICK IN
3/21 A    1/10/68      Blea Robert      CPL      DENVER CO
3/21 A    1/10/68      Blocker Murrie      CPL      NEW ORLEANS LA
3/21 A    1/10/68      Campbell Gordon      SGT      ATLANTA GA
3/21 A    1/10/68      Fones Paul      C ...
Posted by: Frenchie Date Posted: January 11th, 2011, 1:44am

God Bless the heroes
Posted by: Jim Gray Date Posted: January 11th, 2011, 12:10am
In memory of all of the following
3/21 D 1/8/68 Oliver Michael SGT BUTLER TN
3/21 D 1/9/68 Belcher Roland CAPT COLUMBUS OH
3/21 D 1/9/68 Booker Thomas PSGT BESSEMER AL
3/21 D 1/9/68 Capers Lee SGT NEW YORK NY
3/21 D 1/9/68 Garrett Jacky SSGT LIBERTY SC
3/21 D 1/9/68 Mc Ilroy Douglas CPL DEARBORN MI
3/21 D 1/9/68 Sehi George SGT LYNWOOD CA
3/21 D 1/10/68 Andrysiak Francis PFC GLEN HEAD NY
3/21 D 1/10/68 Brown Edwin SGT BELOIT WI
3/21 D 1/10/68 Ellenson Jerome SGT WALCOTT ND
3/21 D 1/10/68 Griffin Garland PFC COOLIDGE GA
3/21 D 1/10/68 Hanselman Charles CPL DEARBORN MI
3/21 D 1/10/68 Perez Jeffrey SGT ELMHURST NY
3/21 D 1/10/68 Seibert Richard 2LT FAR HILLS NJ

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