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  Author    PTSD Veterans Disarmament Act  (currently 1 views)
Lloyd Martin C 3-82 68
Posted on: April 13th, 2011, 11:05am Quote Report to Moderator
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C 3/82nd Arty

Posts: 48
I find it disturbing that filing for PTSD puts you on alert for gun control.

As a Veteran we are now labeled a terrorist

Those who want to claim that there is no "Veterans Disarmament Act" ignore, first of all, that up to 140,000 veterans have ALREADY BEEN DISARMED by using twisted interpretations of the federal code. That figure was released on August 1 by Congress' own research team -- the Congressional Research Service.


Lloyd Martin
Austin, TX
C 3/82 Arty
FO D 4/31 Feb 68 - Aug 68
XO C 3/82 Aug 68 - Aug 69
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Jim Armstrong
Posted on: April 13th, 2011, 4:36pm Quote Report to Moderator
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Larry Scott of VA Watchdog dot Org, one of the best voices for American Veterans wrote about this in two over-lapping articles:



Jim Armstrong
C, HQ, A 2/1
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Bob Kotch
Posted on: April 13th, 2011, 11:20pm Quote Report to Moderator
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Jim,  thanks for  sharing the articles by Larry Scott.  They help clear up a lot of confusion.  I had never heard of him before, but after going over his bio, I'll keep track of the VA Watchdog web site.  He provides some good info for all of us.    

HHC, MP Plt.   9-67 through 9-68                                                                                          
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Jim Armstrong
Posted on: April 14th, 2011, 12:15am Quote Report to Moderator
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After years of yeoman service to our communtiy, Larry recently retired.
His long time colleague, Jim Strickland, has taken over his efforts with some but not too many differences.
His developing website is

Jim Armstrong
C, HQ, A 2/1
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Lloyd Martin C 3-82 68
Posted on: December 4th, 2012, 5:51am Quote Report to Moderator
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C 3/82nd Arty

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Congress is at it again

Lloyd Martin
Austin, TX
C 3/82 Arty
FO D 4/31 Feb 68 - Aug 68
XO C 3/82 Aug 68 - Aug 69
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Lloyd Martin C 3-82 68
Posted on: December 4th, 2012, 5:56am Quote Report to Moderator
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C 3/82nd Arty

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Lloyd Martin
Austin, TX
C 3/82 Arty
FO D 4/31 Feb 68 - Aug 68
XO C 3/82 Aug 68 - Aug 69
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Jim Armstrong
Posted on: December 6th, 2012, 12:42am Quote Report to Moderator
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Posts: 203
Here is an updated link to the indispensible site mentioned above:

Jim Strickland, and Larry Scott before him, has always been upbeat about what goes on in the VA.
The quote below from today's post is really eyeopening:

"The VA creates some very difficult barriers for veterans. If you have a severe PTSD and are rated at 100%, you may be offered an intense treatment program that involves a hospital stay.

That may be interpreted as a commitment to a mental health facility.

To be committed to a mental health facility can trigger the feds to take away your weapons, deny your right to a concealed weapon carry permit and set you up for a fiduciary appointment.

Then, once you complete the program, VA will review your records to look for improvements in your condition so they can reduce your benefits. If you have a recurrence of the PTSD condition that started you down the path to treatment in the first place, you're right back at square one and may have to reapply for benefits and enter the backlog of claims.

I personally know a lot of veterans who intentionally avoid VA care because of all the perceived traps VA sets up for them. It's hard to say they're wrong. Some may call it paranoia but it's hard to be paranoid when you know they're trying to get you.

When did VA become the enemy? Those of us here at VAWatchdog aren't sure of a date but it feels like it's been a long, long time."

Jim Strickland

Jim Armstrong
C, HQ, A 2/1
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Gregory B Peters
Posted on: December 9th, 2012, 5:00pm Quote Report to Moderator
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B company, 3/21/196th, incountry 07/1966-07/1967

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Thanks Jim, below is part of a response Jim gave to a poster lamenting the fact he can't get a carry permit in TN.  I love his fifth paragraph stating that Veterans are the most ferocious gossipers on the planet :-)  I also posted two urls concerned about the horrible suicide rate of veterans, some believe 18 a day on average.  Also of note is that the largest homeless population are veterans.  Needless to say we have more important issues affecting Veterans than gun control.  Those of you with some time on your hands and access to a VA hospital/regional center, go down and do some volunteer work, these vets really need our help and they relate well to Viet Nam veterans.  Those that are already doing this, Bless You!  

Jim Strickland:
"What is less clear is whether or not a veteran who is 100% for PTSD may own a weapon and have a carry permit.

Personally, I am concerned about any citizen who takes psychotropic medicines for a mental health condition carrying a concealed weapon. I'm a gun owner and I've carried a sidearm most of my life. On the other hand, if a man is admittedly unstable and has recurrent problems with PTSD and is on powerful medications, I'm not sure I want him in the same room with me when he's packing a 357.

Let's be realistic here...guns are dangerous. I don't drink alcohol and shoot. I don't think a guy on a sedative medication should shoot...or be armed.

I don't know your situation, of course. I can tell you only of my many friends who I've known over the years who have PTSD. One buddy is close to me today. He has a 10% rating for PTSD and he has a carry permit. I've had to intervene and take his guns from him when he's had anger problems in his marriage. I know another guy and he's 100% for PTSD and an avid hunter. He has no problems to speak of.

One thing vets must avoid is the temptation to say, "I'm told that the law says...". Veterans are some of the most ferocious gossipers on the planet. Don't listen to your buddies and don't fall back on things like " I thought you had to be proven dangerous to be denied a handgun carry permit." How would that even work? If you have a gun, as far as I'm concerned you're proven dangerous.

I'd suggest to you, just like I do with every vet who asks me about these things, that you take a long look at yourself and give it some thought. Do you have panic attacks? Are you agoraphobic? Do you hallucinate? Do you have horrific nightmares that may affect your perceptions of what's around you during the day? Do you ever have anger management problems?"


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